Find the answer to your questions!
How do I get more information?
To get more information on Christina’s services, please fill out the form on the Contact Page.
Can I have a free consultation?
Yes, Christina offers a free 20-minute telephone consultation. To get started, fill out the form on the Contact Page and Christina reach out to schedule your call.
How will I know if it's the right fit?
Sometimes you can just tell it’s the right fit when you talk with someone on the telephone. To book your free 20-minute consult, fill out the form on the Contact Page. You can also try just one session with Christina without a long term commitment to see if it’s the right fit for you.
I'm not sure what kind of support I need, how do I figure it out?
After delving deeper into what might be at the core of your concerns, Christina can help to identify what you may need to move through this difficult time in your life.
My child is getting into trouble at school, how will Christina interact with my child's school team?
Christina has worked with children in schools for many years and can collaborate with your child’s school team with observations, telephone consultation and school team meetings in order to make recommendations to best support your child.
I'm interested in creating a group either for women, adolescent girls or for teens, how do I get started?
How exciting to start your own group! Groups can be a very cohesive and safe space to connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive environment and at an affordable rate. Please call Christina at 310-938-1454 to get some ideas on how best to start this process.
Can Christina do a Mindfulness Meditation Group weekly for a few of my close friends?
Absolutely – Christina is a mindfulness practitioner with many years of experience in guiding and facilitating mindfulness practice. This can be arranged in the privacy of your own home and often lends itself into a very loving and compassionate experience.
Does Christina take insurance?
Unfortunately, Christina does not take insurance at this time but she is happy to provide a statement so you can take advantage of your Health Savings Account. Please call Christina at 310-938-1454 for more information on her rates.
Can I ask for a reduced rate or sliding scale?
If you are in need of a reduced rate or sliding scale, please let Christina know during your initial consult.
What's the first step?
To get started, get in touch with Christina through the Contact Page!
Ready to get started?

Individual Therapy

Family Therapy